
1198 factsheets

Bundling and Unbundling of Functions (WP)

The clear allocation of functions for the implementation of sustainable sanitation and water management is crucial for its outcomes. Overlapping…
Last updated 25 أبريل 2019

Bundling and Unbundling of Functions (WS)

The clear allocation of functions for the implementation of sustainable sanitation and water management is crucial for its outcomes. Overlapping…
Last updated 25 أبريل 2019

Bundling and Unbundling of Functions (WWC)

The clear allocation of functions for the implementation of sustainable sanitation and water management is crucial for its outcomes. Overlapping…
Last updated 25 أبريل 2019

Bundling and Unbundling of Functions (WWT)

The clear allocation of functions for the implementation of sustainable sanitation and water management is crucial for its outcomes. Overlapping…
Last updated 25 أبريل 2019


Bunds are among the most common techniques used in agriculture to collect surface run-off, increase water infiltration and prevent soil erosion.…
Last updated 04 أبريل 2019

Business Case I: Khairat Al-Shamal

Last updated 02 يوليو 2023

Business Case II: Crown Can

Last updated 02 يوليو 2023

Business development - MinErgy (case study)

This case study supports and illustrates the theoretic factsheet "Business development: how to grow a safe water business" with practical insights.
Last updated 23 أغسطس 2018

Business Development - PAKOSWISS (case study)

This case study supports and illustrates the theoretic factsheet "Business development: how to grow a safe water business" with practical insights.
Last updated 23 أغسطس 2018

Business Development Tools Africa

Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

Business development: how to grow a safe water business

Business growth and scaling go hand in hand. Different strategies are applicable to grow and develop your business by innovating in the areas of…
Last updated 12 أغسطس 2019

Business Model Canvas

A business model is not to be confused with a business plan or business strategy. Before rolling out your business idea or writing a business plan…
Last updated 22 أكتوبر 2020

Business model development

A business model is a conceptual framework to describe how a social enterprise, start-up or NGO creates, captures and delivers value. The Business…
Last updated 12 أغسطس 2019

Business Model Development

Developing a business model involves the process of creating and refining a plan or framework that describes how a company or business partnership…
Last updated 01 أغسطس 2023

Business Partnership Models

Effective business partnerships play a crucial role and offer numerous benefits for entering new markets for nature-based and advanced solutions for…
Last updated 01 أغسطس 2023