Perspectives are different frameworks from which to explore the knowledge around sustainable sanitation and water management. Perspectives are like filters: they compile and structure the information that relate to a given focus theme, region or context. This allows you to quickly navigate to the content of your particular interest while promoting the holistic understanding of sustainable sanitation and water management.
Welcome to the Perspective “Natural Water Systems and Treatment Technologies to cope with Water Shortages in Urbanised Areas in India.” – NaWaKit.
The NaWaKit is the online platform containing all the key results of the Indo-European Project NaWaTech “Natural Water Systems and treatment Technologies to cope with Water Shortages in urbanised areas in India”. The NaWaKit has been designed as a one-shop information tool for practitioners, such as local SMEs, service providers, entrepreneurs and consultants working in the water and sanitation sector in India, in order to guide them during the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of decentralised water and wastewater treatment system in urban India.
This module contains an introduction to NaWaTech, including the current situation of the water management in India as well as the presentation of the NaWaTech approach. Furthermore, a list of 23 appropriate technologies for water supply and use, wastewater treatment, sludge treatment and water reuse/recharge for the Indian urban context are presented, including a set of examples in India and other parts of the world. Finally, this Module presents 6 case studies describing the project sites in Pune and Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
This module presents a number of tools for the development of Business Models in the water and sanitation sector, such as the Business Model Canvas, the Blue Ocean Strategy and tools to scan the business environment. Furthermore, a second section contains a group of factsheets to support entrepreneurs while writing their business plan, considering marketing components, action plans, risk analysis and financial issues.
This module presents the steps to follow to develop a NaWaTech Safety and Operation and Maintenance Plan, which allows to sustain infrastructure projects under the Indian urban conditions.
Welcome to the Perspective “Natural Water Systems and Treatment Technologies to cope with Water Shortages in Urbanised Areas in India.” – NaWaKit.
The NaWaKit is the online platform containing all the key results of the Indo-European Project NaWaTech “Natural Water Systems and treatment Technologies to cope with Water Shortages in urbanised areas in India”. The NaWaKit has been designed as a one-shop information tool for practitioners, such as local SMEs, service providers, entrepreneurs and consultants working in the water and sanitation sector in India, in order to guide them during the design, implementation, operation and maintenance of decentralised water and wastewater treatment system in urban India.
This module contains an introduction to NaWaTech, including the current situation of the water management in India as well as the presentation of the NaWaTech approach. Furthermore, a list of 23 appropriate technologies for water supply and use, wastewater treatment, sludge treatment and water reuse/recharge for the Indian urban context are presented, including a set of examples in India and other parts of the world. Finally, this Module presents 6 case studies describing the project sites in Pune and Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
This module presents a number of tools for the development of Business Models in the water and sanitation sector, such as the Business Model Canvas, the Blue Ocean Strategy and tools to scan the business environment. Furthermore, a second section contains a group of factsheets to support entrepreneurs while writing their business plan, considering marketing components, action plans, risk analysis and financial issues.
This module presents the steps to follow to develop a NaWaTech Safety and Operation and Maintenance Plan, which allows to sustain infrastructure projects under the Indian urban conditions.
The NaWaKit Perspective was developed by the NaWaTech Consortium as part of the NaWaTech Project, co-financed by the European Commission and the Science and Technology Department of the Indian Government (project duration: July 2012-June 2016).
The NaWaKit contains all the key results and gathered information of the R&D Project NaWaTech that aims at maximising the exploitation of natural and compact technical systems and processes for the effective management of municipal water resources in urbanised areas of India.
The NaWaKit has been designed to provide the needed technical and business strategy tools to support water practitioners when conceiving, launching and growing a new venture in the water and wastewater sector. Furthermore, this STEP presents key information about technological options for the implementation of appropriate technologies, as well as the results of the case studies implemented in Nagpur and Pune in Maharashtra, India.
The NaWaKit reflects only the authors' views and not those of the European Community or Project Coordinator. This work may rely on data sources external to the members of the NaWaTech project Consortium. Members of the Consortium do not accept liability for loss or damage suffered by any third party as a result of errors or inaccuracies in such data. The information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose. The user thereof uses the information at its sole risk and neither the European Community nor any member of the NaWaTech Consortiums is liable for any use that may be made of the information
The project NaWaTech “Natural Water Systems and Treatment Technologies to cope with Water Shortages in Urbanised Areas in India” aims to explore, assess and enhance the potential of natural and compact technical water treatment systems, in order to improve their performance and reliability for the effective management of municipal water sources and to cope with water shortages in urban India.
An international team composed by 7 European partners, coordinated by the ttz-Bremerhaven and 7 indian partners, coordinated by NEERI work on the adaptation of different natural and compact water systems to the Indian context during the 3 year lifetime of NaWaTech.
NaWaTech Objectives
The specific objectives of NaWaTech are:
1. Assess the technical, financial and environmental potential of natural and technical water treatment technologies to cope with water shortages in urbanised areas in India.
2. Enhance the natural and technical water treatment systems for the production of recycled water to supplement water sources considering extreme climatic conditions and highly varying pollutions loads.
3. Disseminate, exploit and ensure the take- up in practice and mainstreaming of NaWaTech activities and outputs by key stakeholders.
4. Benefit SMEs in the water sector by supporting the development of a local market for innovative water treatment technologies, and to train the SMEs on the NaWaTech approach.
5. Establish foundations of a long-term cooperation between EU and India in water technologies.
NaWaTech's Workplan
A work plan, consisting on 6 Work Packages (WP) with research, demonstration, dissemination and training activities, has been designed and followed by the project consortium to achieve the proposed objectives:
WP1 “Assessment”is designed for the assessment of 23 potential natural and compacted water treatment systems(see Appropriate Technologies) to treat and reuse secondary urban water sources and to recharge primary water sources. A number of technology arrangements were selected for further development.
WP2 “Enhancement”is the research component of the project, in which a group of technologies and systems were enhanced in the frame of pilot-scale experiments. Furthermore, the operation and maintenance of the systems under the specific boundary conditions (local settings, organisations involved, etc.) was described within the framework of the NaWaTech Safety Plans (see Module 3).
WP3 “Development” consists on the implementation of 6 test sites in Nagpur and Pune (Maharashtra, India), in which arrangements of appropriate treatments (such as SBR, MBR, different constructed wetlands, anaerobic treatments, etc.) are being tested under urban Indian conditions (see chapter of case studies).
In WP4 “Community of Practice” a community of practice (CoP) was initiated bringing together all key stakeholders from research, industry and governmental bodies in Pune and Nagpur, Maharashtra – India. WP4 was also the framework for twinning a total of 14 MSc and PhD students from India, Austria, Germany and Spain.
Complementary to the above-described research and development activities, the WP5 “Dissemination and Training”has been designed for the production of dissemination materials and the offering of Indo-European Workshops in Barcelona, Spain (November 2013), Pune, India (April 2014), Vienna, Austria (November 2014) as well as the Final NaWaTech Conference in November 2015.
The WP6 “SME Promotion” is dedicated to the transfer of knowledge gathered to SMEs working in the water sector in India.
The following Pert Diagram shows the different Work Packages and their relationships.
The NaWaTech Pert Diagram
In order to achieve the objectives proposed by NaWaTech, a strategic team was brought together with a broad range of skills, scientific knowledge, technical abilities and proven experience in sustainable water resource management, as well as capacities on knowledge transfer and awareness rising. The NaWaTech consortium is constituted by seven partners from Europe (Austria, Germany, Spain, Italy and Switzerland) and seven partners from India, including research centres, universities, NGOs, governmental organisations, associations and SMEs.
NaWaTech is possible thanks to the financial support of:
Established in 1971, the DST has the objective of promoting new areas of Science and Technology and to act as a nodal department for organising, coordinating and promoting S&T activities in India.
European Commission, within its 7th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation
The EC is the executive body of the European Union, and supports and fosters research through its Framework Programmes for Research and Technology Development. The seventh FP lasted from 2007 to 2013.
NaWaTech is a project coordinated by:
National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI)
Established in 1958, NEERI is devoted to research and innovations in environmental science and engineering, besides solving a range of problems posed by industry, government and public in India.
Established in 1987 in Bremerhaven, Germany, TTZ It is an innovative provider of technology transfer services and conducts customer-oriented trainings, research and development.
Ecosan Services Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in Pune, India with a vast knowledge in the field of wastewater management and in stakeholder involvement.
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU)
The Austrian University BOKU is active in education, applied science and research for water quality management. For this project, the Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Water Pollution Control at the Department of Water, Atmosphere and Environment is the main contributor.
The Shrishti Eco-Research Institute started in 1995 in Pune, India with the aim of cleaning the environment with the help of natural technologies and eco-technologies to treat wastes.
IRIDRA S.r.l., founded in 1998 in Florence Italy, is a private consulting engineering firm composed by an interdisciplinary group of professionals specialised in environmental innovation in the field of water resource management.
IRIDRA S.r.l., founded in 1998 in Florence Italy, is a private consulting engineering firm composed by an interdisciplinary group of professionals specialised in environmental innovation in the field of water resource management.
Environmental Engineering and Microbiology Group (GEMMA), Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC)
The Group of Environmental Engineering and Microbiology (GEMMA) is located at the Department of Hydraulic, Maritime and Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) Spain dedicated primarily to education, research and transfer of knowledge in Environmental Engineering, particularly in the fields of environmental biotechnology, water supply, wastewater treatment and bioenergy generation.
It is a voluntary body of professionals with Headquarters in Mumbai India concerned and connected with water supply for municipal, industrial, agricultural uses and treatment and disposal of wastewater.
BIOAZUL S. L. is a Spanish company that provides innovative technical and commercial solutions in the fields of environment, energy and water engineering, using knowledge and skills acquired through an extensive experience in different industrial sectors.
Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran was constituted in 1997 under the Maharashtra Water Supply and Sewerage Board for rapid development and proper regulation of Water Supply and Sewerage services in the State of Maharashtra, India.
seecon is a Swiss company with 16 years of experience in developing and implementing innovative projects, supporting the sustainable development of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
The Pune Municipal Corporation was established in 1950 as a semi-government body created for providing services to Pune city. PMC controls the whole administration of Pune and is in charge of the civic needs and infrastructure of the metropolis.
Kre_Ta Landscape Architecture
Kre_Ta is a creative SME, running an office for landscape architecture and urban planning in Berlin, Germany, focusing on sustainable and green urban designs with a strong focus to R&D projects in order to develop and design eco-innovative solutions.