
1198 factsheets

Blended finance

Blended finance or hybrid finance stands for mixing public and/or philanthropic funding with market based funds (loans, grants or equity) for…
Last updated 18 مارس 2020

Blue Ocean Strategy

The Blue/Red Ocean Strategy is a way of assessing your business against your competitors in order to identify your competitive advantage. It is based…
Last updated 05 يونيو 2019


Boiling drinking water with fuel is the oldest and most commonly practiced household water treatment method. According to WHO, water needs to be…
Last updated 20 مايو 2019

Bottled Water

Sales and consumption of bottled water have skyrocketed in recent years. The global consumption of bottled water reached 230 billion litres in 2010…
Last updated 08 أبريل 2019


“Brainstorming is a popular tool that helps you generate creative solutions to a problem. It is particularly useful when you want to break out of…
Last updated 01 يوليو 2019

Budget Allocation and Resource Planning

If you or your organisation is preparing a proposal to apply for funds to carry out a project, there are a number of sections you will have to…
Last updated 04 سبتمبر 2019

Building an Institutional Framework (RR)

The term “institutional framework” refers to a set of formal organisational structures, rules and informal norms for service provision. Such a…
Last updated 16 يونيو 2019

Building an Institutional Framework (WD)

The term “institutional framework” refers to a set of formal organisational structures, rules and informal norms for service provision. Such a…
Last updated 14 يونيو 2019

Building an Institutional Framework (WP)

The term “institutional framework” refers to a set of formal organisational structures, rules and informal norms for service provision. Such a…
Last updated 14 يونيو 2019

Building an Institutional Framework (WS)

The term “institutional framework” refers to a set of formal organisational structures, rules and informal norms for service provision. Such a…
Last updated 14 يونيو 2019

Building an Institutional Framework (WU)

The term “institutional framework” refers to a set of formal organisational structures, rules and informal norms for service provision. Such a…
Last updated 16 يونيو 2019

Building an Institutional Framework (WWC)

The term “institutional framework” refers to a set of formal organisational structures, rules and informal norms for service provision. Such a…
Last updated 16 يونيو 2019

Building an Institutional Framework (WWT)

The term “institutional framework” refers to a set of formal organisational structures, rules and informal norms for service provision. Such a…
Last updated 16 يونيو 2019

Bundling and Unbundling of Functions (RR)

The clear allocation of functions for the implementation of sustainable sanitation and water management is crucial for its outcomes. Overlapping…
Last updated 25 أبريل 2019

Bundling and Unbundling of Functions (WD)

The clear allocation of functions for the implementation of sustainable sanitation and water management is crucial for its outcomes. Overlapping…
Last updated 25 أبريل 2019