
1198 factsheets


Coagulation-flocculation is a chemical water treatment technique typically applied prior to sedimentation and filtration (e.g. rapid sand filtration...
Last updated 24 Mayo 2019

CoEP Hostel and MJP

At the facilities of the College of Engineering Hostel Campus in Pune a full-scale demonstration project featuring greywater segregation, wastewater...
Last updated 16 Abril 2019

Collecting & Analysing Data

Data constitutes the lifeblood of decision-making and functions as the raw material of accountability (IEAG 2014). To facilitate data-based decision-...
Last updated 12 Octubre 2020

Colloidal Silver Filter

Colloidal Silver Filters (CSF) are simple household water treatment devices based on a physical treatment, which does not require energy supply. CSFs...
Last updated 20 Mayo 2019

Community Action Plan

A community action plan is a road map for implementing community change by identifying and specifying WHAT will be done, Who will do it and HOW it...
Last updated 04 Septiembre 2019

Community and Camp Water Supply

When dealing with large groups of people, water emergencies might require small-scale centralised water treatment and supply systems to provide...
Last updated 14 Junio 2019

Community Based Savings

Community contributions such as user fees, household investments, community-based savings and cost sharing are a major source for financing...
Last updated 22 Junio 2019

Community Engagement & Communication

Community engagement and communication are umbrella terms that cover active participation of concerned stakeholders, information sharing and...
Last updated 16 Junio 2020

Community Selection Process

Community selection is the process of objectively examining multiple locations where a sanitation intervention may be implemented to benefit both the...
Last updated 12 Octubre 2020

Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)

Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is an approach which helps rural communities to understand and realise the negative effects of poor sanitation...
Last updated 17 Junio 2019

Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation (CLUES)

The Community-Led Urban Environmental Sanitation (CLUES) approach presents comprehensive guidelines for the planning and implementation of...
Last updated 18 Junio 2019

Company Data Sheet

The Company Data Sheet is a simple tool used when visiting a company for the first time to collect basic data and create a profile serving as a...
Last updated 29 Junio 2023

Company Description

A company description consists of four essential elements: key success factors, core values, a vision statement and a mission statement. Key success...
Last updated 16 Abril 2019

Company Screening

Last updated 29 Junio 2023

Company valuation

Doing business valuations at first sounds scary but they are part of the skill repertoire every entrepreneur must have. When examining the fair value...
Last updated 12 Abril 2021