
1198 factsheets

The Sphere Project Standards

The Sphere Project was launched in 1997 by a group of humanitarian actors with the goal to improve the quality of their assistance and protection…
Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

The SSWM Toolbox for Decision Makers

Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

The SSWM Toolbox for Education Staff

Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

The SSWM Toolbox for Practitioners

Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

The SSWM Toolbox for the Media

Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

The standardised products selling anywhere

Last updated 28 يونيو 2021

The Tech-Solution for Large Clients

Last updated 28 يونيو 2021

The Telephone Interview for Radio Broadcast

An interview helps to convey the voices of water sector stakeholder - ranging from users over service providers to decision-makers. A phone interview…
Last updated 23 فبراير 2018

The TV Interview for Water Reporting

A TV interview is an interview that is broadcasted on television, with the aim of providing information to viewers linked to water and sanitation…
Last updated 20 فبراير 2018

The TV Report

A televised news item gives viewers information on current affairs through the use of a short film about the events in question. A TV report can tell…
Last updated 20 فبراير 2018

The TV Talk Show

A TV talk show is a program that involves one or more guests and a moderator, and that is linked to water management, weather conditions, business or…
Last updated 04 يوليو 2018

The Urban-Dwelling Consumer Goods Enterprise

Last updated 28 يونيو 2021

The Voicer with Audio / Feature

In this fact sheet you will find guidance on how to create a feature or voicer, which is a more comprehensive radio format. This format is conducive…
Last updated 23 فبراير 2018