
1198 factsheets

Frugal Innovation

Frugal innovation is a strategy that focuses on the design and creation of simple but effective solutions to deliver affordable products, services or…
Last updated 24 March 2021

Functional Groups

Last updated 27 April 2018

Functional Groups

Last updated 27 April 2018

Further Readings Africa

Last updated 27 April 2018

GIZ Support for the Preparation of City Sanitation Plans

GIZ in India and the Ministry of Urban Development are working together since 2010 in the implementation of the National Urban Sanitation Policy. The…
Last updated 27 April 2018

Global Water Partnership (GWP) - Toolbox and Handbook

The Global Water Partnership (GWP) was founded in 1996 by the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Swedish…
Last updated 27 April 2018

Go-to-Market Strategy

Entering new markets for nature-based and advanced solutions for water reclamation and purification of drinking water, rainwater and wastewater and…
Last updated 03 July 2023

Good Governance

Last updated 27 April 2018

Government Contributions

Water and sanitation is generally part of the public infrastructure, which is one of the greatest financing challenges in developing countries (…
Last updated 22 June 2019


Grants are non-repayable funds provided by donor agencies, public institutions or charitable organizations. Grant recipients are often non-profit…
Last updated 28 April 2021

Greywater Towers

A greywater tower is a circular bag, which is filled with soil, ash and/or compost mixture and a gravel column at the centre. It is used to treat and…
Last updated 09 May 2019

Group Works

Group work can lead to a spirit of cooperation, coordination. Groups can - under optimal conditions – achieve more than the same number of individual…
Last updated 07 July 2019

GTZ Ecosan Approach

The guidelines and toolbox presented in the GTZ ecosan source book aim to address the needs and interests of initiators, planners, practitioners and…
Last updated 17 June 2019


Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a colourless water-like liquid, is one of the most versatile, reliable and environmentally friendly oxidising agents. The…
Last updated 23 May 2019

Hack the System

The Hack the System strategy identifies problems in a value chain that jeopardise value creation and which arise as a result of bottlenecks in a…
Last updated 15 August 2021