
1198 factsheets

Water Distribution Hardware

Last updated 21 August 2018

Water Distribution Overview

A water distribution systems is one in which the drinking water is transported from the centralised treatment plant or well supplies to the service…
Last updated 16 May 2019

Water Distribution Pipes

A water pipe is any pipe or tube designed to transport treated drinking water to consumers. The varieties include large diameter main pipes, which…
Last updated 16 May 2019

Water Distribution Software

Last updated 07 February 2018

Water Distribution Tools

Last updated 27 April 2018

Water Entrepreneurship Typlogies

Last updated 28 June 2021

Water Footprint

Last updated 27 April 2018

Water News Stories on TV

A TV news story on water is a short, accurate, factual report that is linked to water management, weather conditions, business or political or social…
Last updated 23 February 2018

Water Pollution

Last updated 27 April 2018

Water Pricing - Decreasing Block Tariffs

Water and wastewater tariffs determine the level of revenues that service providers receive from users in centralised or semi-centralised systems for…
Last updated 05 May 2019

Water Pricing - Fixed Water Charge

Water and wastewater tariffs determine the level of revenues that service providers receive from users in centralised or semi-centralised systems for…
Last updated 14 June 2019

Water Pricing - General

In July 2010, the UN general assembly proclaimed access to safe drinking water and sanitation as a human right. At the same time, water and…
Last updated 05 May 2019

Water Pricing - Increasing Block Tariffs

Water and wastewater tariffs determine the level of revenues that service providers receive from users in centralised or semi-centralised systems for…
Last updated 03 May 2019

Water Pricing - Uniform Volumetric Charge

Water and wastewater tariffs determine the level of revenues that service providers receive from users in centralised or semi-centralised systems for…
Last updated 03 May 2019

Water Purification Africa

This section deals with software and hardware measures that are commonly applied for water purification in Sub-Saharan Africa. Water purification is…
Last updated 27 April 2018