Innovating Business Models
Find guidance and inspiration to increase the impact, competitiveness and sustainability of you water-related business through innovation.
As an entrepreneur, you will find sector-specific insights, hands-on knowledge and tools to improve your water, sanitation and waste management business through innovations in your operations and strategic positioning of your business model. Explore the innovation exercises and concrete strategies to save time, money and frustration on the journey to make your business models more viable.
As a trainer, coach or staff of organisations supporting impact-oriented environmental businesses, you can explore the innovation approaches that start-ups from the Middle East and other parts of the world applied to increase the market success of their social enterprises.
Use practical innovation exercises and guiding questions along the innovation process that help you think outside the box. Get inspired through the 20 innovation strategies and examples how these have been applied by 35 water, sanitation and waste related start-ups and enterprises. Explore the innovation factsheets and ask yourself: WHAT IF… you eliminated, reduced, raised or created ways to boost the impact, competitiveness and sustainability of your business model: