
1198 factsheets

Scaling Safe Water - The Need for an Industry Facilitator

This background factsheet introduces the reader to what an "industry facilitator" does and why such intermediaries are important.
Last updated 28 أغسطس 2019

Scanning the External Environment

Environmental scanning is a term commonly used in management, and we feel sometimes overwhelmed with numbers of methodologies such as PESTLE, STEP,…
Last updated 16 أبريل 2019

Scenario Building

Scenario building can be described as a story which is based on the analysis and understanding of current and historic trends and events. It includes…
Last updated 07 يوليو 2019

School Campaigns (DC)

A school campaign on water and sanitation consists of two main components: one component is the provision of safe water and sanitation facilities in…
Last updated 24 يونيو 2019

School Campaigns (RR)

A school campaign on water and sanitation consists of two main components: one component is the provision of safe water and sanitation facilities in…
Last updated 16 يونيو 2019

School Campaigns (WD)

A school campaign on water and sanitation consists of two main components: one component is the provision of safe water and sanitation facilities in…
Last updated 14 يونيو 2019

School Campaigns (WP)

A school campaign on water and sanitation consists of two main components: one component is the provision of safe water and sanitation facilities in…
Last updated 14 يونيو 2019

School Campaigns (WS)

A school campaign on water and sanitation consists of two main components: one component is the provision of safe water and sanitation facilities in…
Last updated 14 يونيو 2019

School Campaigns (WU)

A school campaign on water and sanitation consists of two main components: one component is the provision of safe water and sanitation facilities in…
Last updated 16 يونيو 2019

School Campaigns (WWC)

A school campaign on water and sanitation consists of two main components: one component is the provision of safe water and sanitation facilities in…
Last updated 16 يونيو 2019

School Campaigns (WWT)

A school campaign on water and sanitation consists of two main components: one component is the provision of safe water and sanitation facilities in…
Last updated 16 يونيو 2019

Seating Arrangements

Seating along with related physical arrangements creates the foundation for meetings, programs and trainings. Often called room setups, they…
Last updated 08 يوليو 2019


Sedimentation is recommended as simple pre-treatment of water prior to application of other purification treatments such as filtration and…
Last updated 14 يونيو 2019

Sedimentation (centralised)

Sedimentation is a simple, physical pre-treatment of water prior to application of other purification treatments such as filtration and disinfection…
Last updated 21 مايو 2019

Sedimentation/ Thickening Ponds

Sedimentation or thickening ponds are settling ponds that allow sludge to thicken and dewater. The effluent is removed and treated, while the…
Last updated 10 يونيو 2019