
1198 factsheets

Prototyping of a portable sensor for VFA monitoring for domestic wastewater treatment processes

What was the purpose of this prototype project?This prototype project was about developing and field-testing a portable sensor for Volatile Fatty…
Last updated 15 أبريل 2024

Public Private Partnerships (RR)

The public sector might not be able to cope with the challenges regarding sanitation and water management and therefore cooperates with the private…
Last updated 05 مايو 2019

Public Private Partnerships (WD)

The public sector might not be able to cope with the challenges regarding sanitation and water management and therefore cooperates with the private…
Last updated 05 مايو 2019

Public Private Partnerships (WP)

The public sector might not be able to cope with the challenges regarding sanitation and water management and therefore cooperates with the private…
Last updated 05 مايو 2019

Public Private Partnerships (WS)

The public sector might not be able to cope with the challenges regarding sanitation and water management and therefore cooperates with the private…
Last updated 07 مايو 2019

Public Private Partnerships (WWC)

The public sector might not be able to cope with the challenges regarding sanitation and water management and therefore cooperates with the private…
Last updated 05 مايو 2019

Public Private Partnerships (WWT)

The public sector might not be able to cope with the challenges regarding sanitation and water management and therefore cooperates with the private…
Last updated 05 مايو 2019

Public-Private Partnerships - Aqua for All (case study)

This case study supports and illustrates the theoretic factsheet "Public-Private Partnerships for safe water businesses" with practical insights.
Last updated 23 أغسطس 2018

Public-Private Partnerships for safe water businesses

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are a form of collaboration involving public and private entities with the aim providing a public asset or service…
Last updated 29 أغسطس 2019

Pumping Stations

Pumping stations in a water distribution system are necessary where water is pumped directly into the system (e.g. from a lake) or where pressure has…
Last updated 14 مايو 2019

QE: Convertible notes

A convertible note is an innovative financing instrument in the form of a loan, which the investor can later convert into company shares. Early-stage…
Last updated 02 أغسطس 2021

QE: Revenue-based loan

A Revenue-Based Loan or Revenue Share Agreement (RSA) can offer a range of benefits to enterprises in their early or growth stages. The investor…
Last updated 26 أبريل 2021


A Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE) is a financing instrument for seed stage enterprises that allows investors to essentially buy future…
Last updated 07 أبريل 2021

QE: Subordinated loan

A subordinated loan (subordinated or junior debt) is a form of debt capital that the enterprise pays back to the creditor. What makes subordinated …
Last updated 07 أبريل 2021

QE: Venture debt

Venture debt is a quasi-equity financing instrument for raising capital in the form of debt which can be used to supplement existing venture capital…
Last updated 07 أبريل 2021