
1198 factsheets

Planting Pits

Planting pits are used as a precipitation harvesting method to prevent water runoff and thereby increase infiltration and reduce erosion. Basically,…
Last updated 13 يونيو 2019

Policies & Legal Framework

Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

Policies & Legal Framework Zambia

Responsibilities in the water and sanitation sector in Zambia are clearly separated between the Ministry of Local Government and Housing, the…
Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

Policies and Legal Framework

Last updated 29 يونيو 2019

Political Environment

Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

Portable sensor for pathogen monitoring in domestic wastewater treatment processes

This portable device is used for optical sensing of E. coli for in-situ monitoring/control of water disinfection systems. The sensor estimates the…
Last updated 17 أبريل 2024

Portable sensor for Volatile Fatty Acid measurement in domestic wastewater treatment processes

This portable volatile fatty acids (VFA) sensor is an optical sensor developed for in-situ monitoring of VFA in anaerobic processes to support…
Last updated 17 أبريل 2024


Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

Post Training Activities

Coming soon...
Last updated 07 فبراير 2018

POU Water Purification in Emergencies

Following an emergency, the affected population frequently lacks access to a safe source of drinking water. Treatment at the Point-of-Use (POU) is a…
Last updated 14 يونيو 2019

Pour flush Toilet

A pour flush toilet is like a regular cistern flush toilet except that the water is poured in by the user, instead of coming from the cistern above.…
Last updated 09 يوليو 2019

Pre-training Preparations

Coming soon...
Last updated 07 فبراير 2018

Pre-Treatment Technologies

Pre-treatment is the preliminary removal of wastewater or sludge constituents, such as oil, grease, and various solids (e.g., sand, fibres and trash…
Last updated 05 يونيو 2019

Preparation of Action Plans

Once the status report is finalised and approved by the City Sanitation Task Force (CSTF), it is time to plan for action. This is the most important…
Last updated 27 أبريل 2018

Preparation of Status Report

A status report is a document that describes the status quo of the water and sanitation infrastructure and service delivery in a city. It also serves…
Last updated 27 أبريل 2018