
1198 factsheets


Equity investment is financing provided by an investor in exchange for shares in the company. She therefore becomes a shareholder of the company,…
Last updated 28 April 2021

Evapo-transpiration Beds

Evapotranspiration beds are an alternative secondary treatment solution for greywater, pre-treated effluents from septic tanks, anal cleansing water…
Last updated 27 May 2019

Executing a Project

Coming soon...
Last updated 07 February 2018

Exercise Grunnvåg Waterworks

Last updated 27 April 2018

Exercise: Pacific Island

Last updated 27 April 2018

Exercise: Phosphorus and Food Security

Last updated 27 April 2018

Exercise: Sanitation and Water for All

Last updated 27 April 2018


Last updated 21 August 2018

Exploring Africa

Last updated 27 April 2018

Exploring Tools

Last updated 07 February 2018

Facilitators Role

A facilitator is literally defined as “one who helps others to learn or who helps to make things easy.” A facilitator helps participants to…
Last updated 30 June 2019

Facts & Figures

Zambia is a land-locked Sub-Saharan African country sharing boundaries with eight countries, having a total land area of 752’612 km2 and a population…
Last updated 27 April 2018