
1198 factsheets

Drilled Wells

Drilled wells can serve as a low-cost water supply for single households, for small rural communities and for more urban areas. The working principle…
Last updated 13 June 2019

Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation is a technique in which water flows through a filter into special drip pipes, with emitters located at different spacing. Water is…
Last updated 07 May 2019

Dry Toilet

A dry toilet is a toilet that operates without flushwater. The dry toilet may be a raised pedestal on which the user can sit, or a squat pan over…
Last updated 13 May 2019

Dug Wells

The traditional and still most common method of obtaining groundwater in rural areas of the developing world is by means of hand-dug wells (WATERAID…
Last updated 13 June 2019

Eco-Filtration Bank

Eco-filtration Bank (EFB) is a variant of Green Bridge Technology – in-stream horizontal eco-filtration process. Contaminated water in the small…
Last updated 16 April 2019

eCompendium Key Resources

Last updated 07 February 2018

Economic Environment

Last updated 27 April 2018

Ecosystem Services

Last updated 27 April 2018

Effective Project Planning & Monitoring

Systematic planning and monitoring are decisive elements for the effective and successful implementation of any project. That is particularly true…
Last updated 28 May 2020

Elevator Pitch

As an entrepreneur, you will need to be prepared to take every opportunity to gain interest in your start-up from potential customers, investors, or…
Last updated 07 May 2019

Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning

In emergency situations, time pressure constitutes one of the most acute problems. Emergency preparedness and contingency planning allow to deal with…
Last updated 27 April 2018

Emerging Sanitation Technologies

Coming soon....
Last updated 07 February 2018

Empathise and Analyse your Business Idea

Every business idea, no matter how good, will have its challenges and weak spots, even if these don’t seem evident at first. Having a solid grasp of…
Last updated 27 July 2021

Empowering Young People as Promoters (RR)

Empowering young people as promoters in the field of water and sanitation is a way of assuring that a project or programme has a greater effect and…
Last updated 25 April 2019