
1198 factsheets

Research on Water Topics using Social Media on the Internet

A lot of new information - pictures, writing and audio - comes through the various new forms of social media such as Facebook and Twitter.However,…
Last updated 23 February 2018

Researching Water Stories

Research helps a journalist verify the information he or she has gathered. Research makes it possible to decide whether that information is true and…
Last updated 23 April 2018

Restrictions (RR)

Restrictions and prohibitions are a part of command & control tools, i.e. which are regulatory instruments that are direct and mandatory.…
Last updated 16 June 2019

Restrictions (WD)

Restrictions and prohibitions are a part of command & control tools, i.e. which are regulatory instruments that are direct and mandatory.…
Last updated 14 June 2019

Restrictions (WP)

Restrictions and prohibitions are a part of command & control tools, i.e. which are regulatory instruments that are direct and mandatory.…
Last updated 14 June 2019

Restrictions (WS)

Restrictions and prohibitions are a part of command & control tools, i.e. which are regulatory instruments that are direct and mandatory.…
Last updated 14 June 2019

Restrictions (WWC)

Restrictions and prohibitions are a part of command & control tools, i.e. which are regulatory instruments that are direct and mandatory.…
Last updated 16 June 2019

Restrictions (WWT)

Restrictions and prohibitions are a part of command & control tools, i.e. which are regulatory instruments that are direct and mandatory.…
Last updated 16 June 2019

Restrictions in Water Use

Restrictions and prohibitions are a part of command & control tools which are regulatory instruments that are direct and mandatory. Restrictions…
Last updated 03 May 2019

Results-Based Financing (RBF)

Results-based financing (RBF) is used to provide incentives for the enterprise in exchange for the delivery of pre-agreed and verified results. It…
Last updated 07 April 2021

Retention Basin

Retention basins are among the most frequently implemented storm water management systems. They are used to collect surface runoff and to improve the…
Last updated 13 June 2019

Retention Basin

Retention basins are predominantly used for storm water control and treatment. Rainwater is stored in a pond, which further filters through the…
Last updated 16 April 2019

Reuse and Recharge Africa

Last updated 27 April 2018

Reuse of Wastewater

Last updated 07 February 2018

Reuse Water between Businesses

Industries require different qualities of water and other flow streams like chemicals, energy, nutrients, etc. These by-products can be traded in…
Last updated 07 May 2019