
1198 factsheets

Weighted Scorecard Tool

Selecting the right companies for a business development program to facilitate the implementation of water efficiency measures is complex as several...
Last updated 29 Junio 2023

Well Development & Rehabilitation

Well development of drilled wells is a part of normal well drilling procedure after the completion of the well and before the final disinfection. It...
Last updated 03 Abril 2019

What are Your Sources of Water?

Last updated 29 Junio 2019

What can you find in the STEP Africa

Last updated 27 Abril 2018

What can you find in the STEP SNUSP?

Last updated 27 Abril 2018

What Sources of Fertilisers are Used?

Last updated 29 Junio 2019

Why scaling-up safe water has failed - the need for a new paradigm

This background factsheet argues for a paradigm change on how to think safe water: away from donors and beneficiaries, towards customers and small...
Last updated 28 Agosto 2019

Working with Community-based Organisations

According to the UNHCR Innovation Service (2020), community-based organizations (CBO) typically operate within (and thus with direct access to) the...
Last updated 12 Octubre 2020

World Café

Finding consensus can be particularly difficult when a bigger group is involved. World Café is a group discussion technique applicable to group sizes...
Last updated 08 Julio 2019

Writing a Concept Note

A concept note is a summary of a proposal containing a brief description of the idea of the project and the objectives to be pursued. In some...
Last updated 03 Septiembre 2019

Writing Water Stories for the Internet

Is there a writing style that’s better for online?Every kind of journalism and every kind of writing style can be found online. That includes news...
Last updated 06 Junio 2018


Last updated 27 Abril 2018