
1198 factsheets

Pilot of a modular underground rainwater harvesting system for a university campus in Dhanbad

What was this pilot project about?This pilot project demonstrates the use of a modular infiltration ditch system for rainwater harvesting to...
Last updated 15 Abril 2024

Pilot of an Anaerobic system and Constructed Wetland for domestic wastewater treatment in Pune

What was this pilot project about?From a research perspective, the aim of this pilot was to investigate potentials and limitations of an Anaerobic...
Last updated 15 Abril 2024

Pilot of an Electro-Chlorination system for decentralised drinking water desinfection in a village water supply system near Pune

What was this pilot project about?At this pilot project, a solar-driven, semi-automatic disinfection process was showcased in a rural water supply...
Last updated 15 Abril 2024

Piloting the combination of a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor, a Vertical Constructed Wetland and a Toxidation Unit for Hospital wastewater treatment in Khargpur

What was this pilot project about?This pilot project demonstrates the use of a modular infiltration ditch system for rainwater harvesting to...
Last updated 17 Abril 2024

Pitch investors - how to present your company to raise money

An investor pitch is a presentation of your business model that shows the potential for scale in front of potential investors with the aim to raise...
Last updated 29 Agosto 2019

Planning & Process Tools Africa

Last updated 27 Abril 2018

Planning & Process Tools Introduction

Last updated 08 Julio 2019

Planning a Training

Before you conduct training, you need to do a detailed plan for what you will do, why you will be doing it and how to reach your objectives. When...
Last updated 16 Abril 2019

Planning and Process Tools for Camps

Last updated 15 Abril 2019

Planning Individual Sessions

A sizable portion of the work involved in a training course takes place well before the first day of classes. It is important to plan the sessions...
Last updated 16 Abril 2019

Planted Drying Beds

A planted drying bed is similar to an [8223-Unplanted Drying Bed], but has the added benefit of transpiration and enhanced sludge treatment due to...
Last updated 06 Junio 2019