
1198 factsheets

Rapid Sand Filtration

Rapid sand filtration is a purely physical drinking water purification method. Rapid sand filters (RSF) provide rapid and efficient removal of...
Last updated 21 Mayo 2019

RBF: Carbon Credit

Carbon credits are a tradable commodity that allows an emitter to compensate carbon emissions and are equivalent to 1 ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) or...
Last updated 07 Abril 2021

RBF: Impact Bond

With rising awareness of global challenges such as climate change, an increasing number of investors is keeping an eye on incorporating environmental...
Last updated 07 Abril 2021

RBF: Performance-based Contract

A performance-based contract is a mechanism that allows a financier, usually a philanthropic or governmental/public entity, to hire and pay for the...
Last updated 28 Abril 2021

RBF: Performance-based loan

As with traditional loans, a performance-based loan is a debt that an enterprise takes on which comes with a set of terms and conditions concerning...
Last updated 07 Abril 2021

RBF: Social Impact Incentives (SIINC)

Social Impact Incentives (SIINC) are a financing instrument designed to incentivize impact-oriented enterprises to go the extra mile to make their...
Last updated 07 Abril 2021

Reading the Technology Information Sheets

Last updated 27 Abril 2018

Reading the Technology Information Sheets

Last updated 27 Abril 2018

Recharge and Reuse Hardware

Last updated 21 Agosto 2018

Recharge and Reuse Software

Last updated 07 Febrero 2018

Recharge and Reuse Tools

Last updated 27 Abril 2018

Recruiting and Training of Hygiene Promotion Facilitators

In humanitarian crises, hygiene promotion campaigns are conducted by different types of facilitators, who need to be recruited and trained by the...
Last updated 05 Diciembre 2018

Reduce Water Consumption at Home

Humans use over half of all accessible water runoff. Of total water use less than 10% is used for domestic use. Households are the smallest consumers...
Last updated 06 Mayo 2019

Reduce Water Consumption in Industry

Water savings can be achieved in industry through a combination of changing behaviour, modifying and/or replacing equipment with water saving...
Last updated 06 Mayo 2019

Report of the Training

When a training or workshop has taken place, it is important to write a report about it to communicate the results to the participants, to reflect...
Last updated 07 Julio 2019