
1198 factsheets

Empowering Young People as Promoters (WD)

Empowering young people as promoters in the field of water and sanitation is a way of assuring that a project or programme has a greater effect and...
Last updated 25 Abril 2019

Empowering Young People as Promoters (WP)

Empowering young people as promoters in the field of water and sanitation is a way of assuring that a project or programme has a greater effect and...
Last updated 25 Abril 2019

Empowering Young People as Promoters (WS)

Empowering young people as promoters in the field of water and sanitation is a way of assuring that a project or programme has a greater effect and...
Last updated 25 Abril 2019
Empowering young people as promoters in the field of water and sanitation is a way of assuring that a project or programme has a greater effect and...
Empowering young people as promoters in the field of water and sanitation is a way of assuring that a project or programme has a greater effect and...

Empowering Young People as Promoters (WU)

Empowering young people as promoters in the field of water and sanitation is a way of assuring that a project or programme has a greater effect and...
Last updated 25 Abril 2019

Empowering Young People as Promoters (WWC)

Empowering young people as promoters in the field of water and sanitation is a way of assuring that a project or programme has a greater effect and...
Last updated 25 Abril 2019

Empowering Young People as Promoters (WWT)

Empowering young people as promoters in the field of water and sanitation is a way of assuring that a project or programme has a greater effect and...
Last updated 25 Abril 2019


EMPOWERS is a regional programme mainly funded by the European Commission's MEDA (Mediterranean Regional Programme for Local Water Management) Water...
Last updated 18 Junio 2019

Enabling environment for safe water businesses

Enabling Environment (EE) conceptualises the broader system within a company functions and is also referred to as business EE. This environment...
Last updated 29 Agosto 2019


Energisers raise the energy level of a training session by gaining back people’s attention and interest and therefore improving the training by...
Last updated 16 Abril 2019

Ensuring Appropriate Operations and Maintenance Services

Hundreds of projects around the world demonstrate how newly built Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) infrastructure deteriorates quickly after they...
Last updated 05 Diciembre 2018

Ensuring Sustainability

Last updated 27 Abril 2018

Ensuring Sustainability Africa

Although some countries in Sub-Saharan Africa have made remarkable progress in providing large proportions of their population with access to...
Last updated 27 Abril 2018

Environmental & Social Impact Assessment

An Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) predicts the environmental and social consequences that a future project/intervention might...
Last updated 16 Junio 2020

Environmental Factors

Last updated 19 Junio 2018

Environmental Issues

Last updated 27 Abril 2018