SSWM University Course

University Perspective cover image

SSWM University Course

In this perspective you can find all the cases, lectures, exercises, support material, etc. from the UMB course. Moreover, this material has been completed with factsheets on planning and implementation tools for software and hardware approaches in order to support students to deepen the gained knowledge and to work on the course’ case studies as well as in their professional daily life.

Module 1: Sustainability in Relation to Water and Sanitation

Module 2: Centralised and Decentralised Systems for Water and Sanitation

Module 3: Ecological Sanitation and Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment

Module 4: Sustainable Water Supply

Module 5: Health and Hygiene

Module 6: Disaster Situations: Planning and Preparedness

Module 7: Socio-Economic Aspects

Module 8: Water and Sanitation for Future Challenges

Training of Trainers

In this perspective you can find all the cases, lectures, exercises, support material, etc. from the UMB course. Moreover, this material has been completed with factsheets on planning and implementation tools for software and hardware approaches in order to support students to deepen the gained knowledge and to work on the course’ case studies as well as in their professional daily life.

Module 1: Sustainability in Relation to Water and Sanitation

Module 2: Centralised and Decentralised Systems for Water and Sanitation

Module 3: Ecological Sanitation and Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment

Module 4: Sustainable Water Supply

Module 5: Health and Hygiene

Module 6: Disaster Situations: Planning and Preparedness

Module 7: Socio-Economic Aspects

Module 8: Water and Sanitation for Future Challenges

Training of Trainers

Water Charges

Water charges are a widely used economic instrument implied mainly by federal governments to better control water use and water pollution by imposing…

Network Design and Dimensioning

The aim of a distribution network is to supply a community with the appropriate quantity and quality of water. There are four network types: dead end…

Pumping Stations

Pumping stations in a water distribution system are necessary where water is pumped directly into the system (e.g. from a lake) or where pressure has…

Water Distribution Pipes

A water pipe is any pipe or tube designed to transport treated drinking water to consumers. The varieties include large diameter main pipes, which…


Before an underground water pipe can be installed, a trench must be excavated. Trench dimensions depend on pipe size, soil, and climate. Mostly, the…

Human-Powered Distribution

Where there is no or not sufficient piped supply of freshwater and drinking water, nor any motorised vehicles to distribute it, water distribution…

Free-Water Surface Constructed Wetland

A free-water surface constructed wetland aims to replicate the naturally occurring processes of a natural wetland, marsh or swamp. As water slowly…

Motorised Distribution

Where there is no or an insufficient supply of piped freshwater and drinking water, water has to be transported either by trucks or by human power.…

Sustainable Sanitation

Non-planted Filters

A non-planted filter is a box filled with sand and gravel, through which wastewater flows and is filtered. There are several types of non-planted…

Leakage Control

Water leakage is an important component of water losses. Many methods for controlling leakage from urban water supply systems have emerged, but it…

Preventing Recontamination

Recontamination of clean or already treated water is a common problem in many countries. On the household level, there are several simple methods to…

Intermittent Water Distribution

Intermittent water supply is a piped water supply service delivering water to users for less than 24 hours in one day, and is used when the available…

Incineration (Small-Scale)

Small-scale incinerators are a useful technology to combust household waste, medical waste, slaughter waste, etc. instead of discharging it in a…

Linking up Sustainable Sanitation, Water Management and Agriculture

The "SSWM for Universities" Perspective was developed by the SSWM team in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Lifesciences (UMB), Tribhuvan University in Nepal and COMSATS University in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

It has been designed for the students of the web based training course “Introduction to sustainable water and sanitation” conducted by these three universities. But it can also be used by a larger audience learning or teaching in higher-education institutions from all over the world involved or interested in Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM).

The training course “Introduction to sustainable water and sanitation” gives an insight into the major water and sanitation challenges of the world. It gives an overview on centralised and decentralised sustainable water and sanitation options working in the field of water and sanitation in a variety of situations, including developing countries and disaster situations. The duration of the course is four month with weekly attendance on the web. It utilises problem-based learning and a selection of real life cases. The different cases will introduce participants to different physical, technical, economic, managerial and social challenges in different locations worldwide and introduce corresponding technical solutions.

Main Contributor:

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)

Logo UMB


Other partners:

Tribhuvan University in Nepal:

COMSATS University in Abbottabad (Pakistan):

Created by:

seecon international gmbh

Main reviewers: Franka Voss, Janek Hermann-Friede, Dorothee Spuhler, Sarah Achermann


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