Rena rapid infiltration system is the largest wastewater infiltration system in Norway and has capacity for 8’000 person equivalents (see also greywater infiltration). The main energy cost of the system is the pumping of water from the town of Rena and a nearby army camp to the infiltration system. After mechanical screening, the water is discharged directly to open infiltration basins (see also retention basin).
Technology Assessment of Wastewater Treatment by Soil Infiltration Systems

Infiltration of wastewater in buried soil infiltration systems has been promoted as a low cost, effective alternative for treatment and disposal of wastewater flows from commercial developments and small communities. However, design and performance relationships are not always well defined and systems are often implemented based on local tradition and empiricism. This paper describes design criteria especially for large subsurface wastewater treatment systems.
JENSSEN, P.D. ; SIEGRIST, R.L. (1990): Technology Assessment of Wastewater Treatment by Soil Infiltration Systems. In: Water Science & Technology: Volume 22 , 83-92. URL [Accessed: 23.01.2019]Design and Performance of Onsite Wastewater Soil Absorption Systems

This document describes onsite wastewater soil absorption systems (WSAS), which have the potential to achieve high treatment efficiencies over a long life service at low cost. Information is given on the function and performance of WSAS, the current state of knowledge, and identifying major gaps in predicting system performance.
SIEGRIST, R.L. TYLER, E.J. JENSSEN, P.D. (2000): Design and Performance of Onsite Wastewater Soil Absorption Systems. (= National Research Needs Conference, May 2000 ). St. Louis, MO:Integrert landskapsdesign I naturbasert renseteknologi

Today, climate change, environmental problems and a growing amount of waste and pollution are major challenges in all areas and must be dealt. In the fields of landscaping and architecture, however, there is the tendency to focus more on aesthetics and less on basic ecological functionality. This paper shows how to combine aesthetic quality with ecological functionality.
SORENSEN, E.T. (2010): Integrert landskapsdesign I naturbasert renseteknologi. med temaark om fire natur- og kretsløpsbaserte renseanlegg på Østlandet. Ås, Norway: University of Life Sciences Norway (UMB) URL [Accessed: 27.11.2012]Language: Norwegian