Perspective Search

A properly planned project is addressing the real…, The problem analysis is the phase in which the…, (Adapted from EUROPEAN COMMISSION 2004 and MDF…, (Adapted from EUROPEAN COMMISSION 2004)…
01 July 2019
In a focus group discussion, people from similar…, (Adapted from ETR n.y.)…, A range of materials including tape recorders, if…, (Adapted from THCU 2002) 1 Clarify Purpose…, Be mentally prepared for the session; you will…
30 June 2019
(Adapted from FAO 1990; WEST LOTHIAN COUNCIL 2004…, (Adapted from LAFOREST 2009) Conducting a good…, Time is needed to prepare, conduct, transcribe…, If you are doing this for the first time, it can…, (Adapted from LAFOREST 2009) The duration of…, (Adapted from LAFOREST 2009) Ideally,…
30 June 2019
Water and sanitation issues are very often looked…, Natural or physical systems, such as watersheds…, A planned intervention will usually affect…, Social boundaries can be very strong and usually…, Last but not least, available economic resources…, Only after having an idea of the possible system…
29 June 2019
“Stakeholders are people, groups, or institutions…, The first step of a stakeholder analysis is to…,   Primary stakeholders such as…, Continue with analysing -----> Step 2: […
30 June 2019
Stakeholders must play a central role in setting…, There are different ways answer these questions (…, Draw the matrix below on a large flipchart. Write…, BOX A: This group will require special…, A simple possibility to develop qualitative…, <----- Go back to Step 1: [7295-…
04 September 2019
Stakeholders have very different interests with…, What kind of information one would like to have…, <----- Go back to Step 2: [7296-stakeholder…
30 June 2019
A stakeholder strategy plan can guide one on how…, (Adapted from ELLIOT 2003) Best approaches…, In the previous steps, you gained a lot of…, The stakeholder participation matrix contains two…, Participation can be seen as a continuous scale,…, (Adapted from WATER AND FORESTRY 2005) This…, <----- Go back to Step 3: [7297-…
30 June 2019
(Adapted from MIND TOOLS 2010)   “…, (Adapted from MIND TOOLS 2010)  …, Once all the solutions have been written down,…, If people are not already used to working…
01 July 2019
Rich pictures are a strategy of Soft Systems…, The key elements that should be included in a…, Constructing a rich picture requires only a large…, Rich pictures are particularly useful as a part…, Structure: include only enough structure to…
30 June 2019