Perspective Search

‘SPOUTS of Water’ is the local manufacturer and…,
Bootstrap for as long as you can: There are…,
Ask yourself if there is an absolute need:…
23 August 2018

Human centred design is a practical, repeatable…, There are often interesting products or specific…, This factsheet targets social entrepreneurs, NGOs…, Enterprises can create and validate solutions…
12 August 2019

Due to very poor sanitation infrastructure (…, To understand the latent user needs the research…,
The study set-up included different aspects.…,
To better structure the insights from the…, Based on these findings, the next step in the…, The HCD case study reveals a multitude of…,
Applying HCD in the context of HWTS allows…, People were open to both going to a shop (POP) or…
14 August 2018

This factsheet aims to help a start-up to…, Household water treatment and storage (HWTS)…, This factsheet provides guidelines for start-ups…, 1. Conceptual planning, macro-planning and micro-…
12 August 2019

iDE is a global effort that spans offices in 14…, The initial production layout was inspired by the…,
Hydrologic is registered with the Ministry of…, Learn from others
The manufacturing process is…, Capital is key for the infrastructure…
29 October 2018

When deciding on the right location, keep in mind…,
What soil is on site? Does it have specific…
12 August 2019

The general definition of quality control is…, Quality control mechanisms serve two specific…, Quality control is pertinent for every safe water…, Measures for quality control can be taken at a…
12 August 2019

People living in slums and rural areas of India…,
To implement a thorough quality control and…,
Include quality control mechanisms from the…
23 August 2018

Financial planning assesses a company’s…, A social enterprise may have profitability as its…, Financial planning is important for any profit…, The three basic components of financial planning…
12 August 2019

The term business model is widely used in theory…, Developing a business model is essential for…, With the help of the prominently used Business…
12 August 2019