Humanitarian Crises Perspective

Humanitarian Crises Perspective

Humanitarian Crises Perspective

Discover tools and approaches that help you promote sustainable sanitation and water management in humanitarian crises settings.

The Humanitarian Crisis Perspective to Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management is a key English-Arabic knowledge platform for practitioners involved in water, sanitation or hygiene-promotion activities in humanitarian crises, with a special focus on the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region. It compiles over 170 factsheets of the SSWM Toolbox relevant to the context and includes more than 40 purposefully developed contents. It covers both hardware and software approaches and aims to support practitioners in planning, implementing and sustaining water, sanitation and hygiene promotion interventions in different settings of humanitarian intervention (such as Camps, Prolonged Encampments, Rural Settings and Urban Settings).

Discover tools and approaches that help you promote sustainable sanitation and water management in humanitarian crises settings.

The Humanitarian Crisis Perspective to Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management is a key English-Arabic knowledge platform for practitioners involved in water, sanitation or hygiene-promotion activities in humanitarian crises, with a special focus on the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region. It compiles over 170 factsheets of the SSWM Toolbox relevant to the context and includes more than 40 purposefully developed contents. It covers both hardware and software approaches and aims to support practitioners in planning, implementing and sustaining water, sanitation and hygiene promotion interventions in different settings of humanitarian intervention (such as Camps, Prolonged Encampments, Rural Settings and Urban Settings).

Media Campaigns - Radio (DC)

The media (television, radio, print media, internet and email) play a significant role in spreading information and raising awareness on water and…

Creating Information Material (DC)

Creating appropriate and specific information materials for water and sanitation programmes is of key importance and a way to assure a strong and…

Transect Walk

A transect walk is a systematic walk along a defined path (transect) across the community/project area together with the local people to explore the…

Problem Tree Analysis

The problem, objective and strategy tree analysis is one participatory tool of mapping out main problems, along with their causes and effects,…

Focus Groups

In a focus group discussion, people from similar backgrounds or experiences (e.g. young women, young men, handicapped, elderly etc.) are brought…

Semi-Structured Interviews

Semi-structured interviews are conducted with a fairly open framework which allows focused, conversational, two-way communication. The interviewer…

Stakeholder Identification

Participatory planning requires the involvement of concerned stakeholders. This includes identifying public concerns and values and developing a…

Stakeholder Importance and Influence

Participatory planning requires the involvement of concerned stakeholders. This includes identifying public concerns and values and developing a…

Stakeholder Interests

Participatory planning requires the involvement of concerned stakeholders. This includes identifying public concerns and values and developing a…

Stakeholder Strategy Plan

Participatory planning requires the involvement of concerned stakeholders. This includes identifying public concerns and values and developing a…

Problem & Preference Ranking

Problem/Preference Ranking is a participatory technique that allows analysing and identifying problems or preferences stakeholder share in order to…

Conflict Management

In the process of optimising your local water and sanitation system, it is very likely that you will face conflicts between groups or individuals,…

Strategy Development

When a community plans to implement sustainable sanitation and water management tools, it is crucial to develop a community strategy defining steps…

Logical Framework Approach

The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) is a highly effective strategic planning and project management methodology with wide application. It is…

Community Action Plan

A community action plan is a road map for implementing community change by identifying and specifying WHAT will be done, Who will do it and HOW it…


This perspective was developed within the framework of the project “cewas Middle East”, supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. The objective of cewas Middle East is to improve business practices in water and sanitation in the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region and to support humanitarian water and sanitation actors to improve the sustainability of their services. To achieve this mission, cewas Middle East offers professional training, coaching, mentorship and consulting in business development, as well as specialised trainings in sustainable water, sanitation and resource management in Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan and Iraq.

Content of the Perspective

Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM) in Humanitarian Crises means mainstreaming ideas of long-term technical feasibility, socio-cultural acceptance, economic appropriateness and ecological viability into humanitarian actions (see A Call for Sustainable Humanitarian Intervention factsheet). The present toolbox compiles approaches and methodologies that can help field practitioners in humanitarian aid to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of their water, sanitation and health interventions. This includes appropriate sanitation options, viable solutions for water supply and distribution, planning tools that support a more long-term perspective, as well as approaches for hygiene promotion.

Different settings of humanitarian intervention require different approaches in terms of implementation time, available resources or human capacity. For this reason, the toolbox for SSWM in Humanitarian Crises is structured in four chapters, reflecting four settings of humanitarian intervention:

Each chapter begins with an introductory factsheet that describes the respective setting (including its particular challenges and characteristics), followed by four thematic sections:

All the descriptions of technologies, tools and approaches are backed by interesting reading material to be consulted for further information.

In the four thematic areas, the toolbox presents a broad range of possible tools, selected for the respective setting by a team of experts. Since the appropriateness is determined by the very specific context, the environmental, technical, financial, social and economic framework conditions of the individual situation must always be assessed together with Stakeholder Identification and the affected communities when Project Design the intervention.


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Partners behind this toolbox

About the SSWM Toolbox

The perspective “SSWM in Humanitarian Crises” was developed by cewas middle east with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Benaa Foundation, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology - Department Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development (EAWAG/Sandec), the German Toilet Organisation (GTO), seecon gmbh and cewas international.

Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Benaa Foundation






Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)



seecon gmbh



Created by:

cewas middle east