Perspective Search

Based on Osterwalder and Pigneurs business model…, Most water businesses assume they know their…, Reflecting on value propositions is essential for…, With the help of the prominently used Value…, Describe the customer profile / segment:…, The case study on value proposition portrays how…
12 August 2019

Spring Health is the first of three divisions of…,
Clearly identifying what your value…,
Clearly identifying the pains of your…
23 August 2018

Value creation is incremental to every safe water…, Value creation is key for every safe water…, Multiple methods have been developed to aid firms…
12 August 2019

Spring Health is the first of three divisions of…,
The problem identification process clearly…,
To thoroughly analyse the status of value…
23 August 2018

Value capture is part of the core tasks to define…, An often-made assumption is that base-of-the-…, Value capture is incremental to any safe water…, To implement value capture in a safe water…
12 August 2019

This factsheet presents how value capture can be…,
Creating an aspirational HWTS product…,
Reflect on your product offering in order to…
23 August 2018

A simple business model addresses a value…, It is not only important to assess the crucial…, Reflecting on simple or multiple business models…, Methods to reflect on business model decisions -…, The case study of TARA in India…
12 August 2019

Technology and Action for Rural Advancement (TARA…,
Multiple business models can allow a company…,
For making use of synergies with existing in-…
23 August 2018

Philip Kotler and Gerald Zaltman first introduced…, The prevalence of waterborne diseases and…, This social marketing tool is interesting for…, A first stage for safe water enterprises and…
12 August 2019

Tinkisso-Antenna is an NGO with a social…, Combining commercial and social marketing…, Urban vs. rural
Commercial activities shall be…
23 August 2018