SSWM University Course

University Perspective cover image

SSWM University Course

In this perspective you can find all the cases, lectures, exercises, support material, etc. from the UMB course. Moreover, this material has been completed with factsheets on planning and implementation tools for software and hardware approaches in order to support students to deepen the gained knowledge and to work on the course’ case studies as well as in their professional daily life.

Module 1: Sustainability in Relation to Water and Sanitation

Module 2: Centralised and Decentralised Systems for Water and Sanitation

Module 3: Ecological Sanitation and Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment

Module 4: Sustainable Water Supply

Module 5: Health and Hygiene

Module 6: Disaster Situations: Planning and Preparedness

Module 7: Socio-Economic Aspects

Module 8: Water and Sanitation for Future Challenges

Training of Trainers

In this perspective you can find all the cases, lectures, exercises, support material, etc. from the UMB course. Moreover, this material has been completed with factsheets on planning and implementation tools for software and hardware approaches in order to support students to deepen the gained knowledge and to work on the course’ case studies as well as in their professional daily life.

Module 1: Sustainability in Relation to Water and Sanitation

Module 2: Centralised and Decentralised Systems for Water and Sanitation

Module 3: Ecological Sanitation and Natural Systems for Wastewater Treatment

Module 4: Sustainable Water Supply

Module 5: Health and Hygiene

Module 6: Disaster Situations: Planning and Preparedness

Module 7: Socio-Economic Aspects

Module 8: Water and Sanitation for Future Challenges

Training of Trainers

Presentation Tricks

Independent of the business field or context your working in, possessing adequate skills in order to give a comprehensive presentation is crucial and…

Group Works

Group work can lead to a spirit of cooperation, coordination. Groups can - under optimal conditions – achieve more than the same number of individual…

Training Evaluation

The main purpose of evaluating a training program is to gain knowledge about whether it has achieved or failed its objectives. Analysing the training…

Material Flow Analysis (MFA)

Material Flow Analysis (MFA) is the quantification and assessment of matter (water, food, excreta, wastewater...) and substances (nitrogen,…

Water Allocation

Water of a desired quality is often scarce, and has to be allocated to different uses such as human consumption, sanitation, the production of food,…

Advanced Filters

Advanced point-of-use filter systems of various designs, costs and effectiveness are today readily available all over the world. While these systems…

Treatment Plant Set-up

Centralised drinking water treatment plants treat large amounts of water from many households in one single spot and consequently most often require…

Slow Sand Filtration

Slow sand filtration is a type of centralised or semi-centralised water purification system. A well-designed and properly maintained slow sand filter…

Rapid Sand Filtration

Rapid sand filtration is a purely physical drinking water purification method. Rapid sand filters (RSF) provide rapid and efficient removal of…

Sedimentation (centralised)

Sedimentation is a simple, physical pre-treatment of water prior to application of other purification treatments such as filtration and disinfection…

Adsorption (Activated Carbon)

Activated carbon filtration is a commonly used technology based on the adsorption of contaminants onto the surface of a filter. This method is…

Membrane Filtration

Membranes are thin and porous sheets of material able to separate contaminants from water when a driving force is applied. Once considered a viable…


Coagulation-flocculation is a chemical water treatment technique typically applied prior to sedimentation and filtration (e.g. rapid sand filtration…

Ion Exchange

Ion exchange is a water treatment method where one or more undesirable ionic contaminants are removed from water by exchange with another non-…

Arsenic Oxidation

Coming soon...

The "SSWM for Universities" Perspective was developed by the SSWM team in collaboration with the Norwegian University of Lifesciences (UMB), Tribhuvan University in Nepal and COMSATS University in Abbottabad, Pakistan.

It has been designed for the students of the web based training course “Introduction to sustainable water and sanitation” conducted by these three universities. But it can also be used by a larger audience learning or teaching in higher-education institutions from all over the world involved or interested in Sustainable Sanitation and Water Management (SSWM).

The training course “Introduction to sustainable water and sanitation” gives an insight into the major water and sanitation challenges of the world. It gives an overview on centralised and decentralised sustainable water and sanitation options working in the field of water and sanitation in a variety of situations, including developing countries and disaster situations. The duration of the course is four month with weekly attendance on the web. It utilises problem-based learning and a selection of real life cases. The different cases will introduce participants to different physical, technical, economic, managerial and social challenges in different locations worldwide and introduce corresponding technical solutions.

Main Contributor:

Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB)

Logo UMB


Other partners:

Tribhuvan University in Nepal:

COMSATS University in Abbottabad (Pakistan):

Created by:

seecon international gmbh

Main reviewers: Franka Voss, Janek Hermann-Friede, Dorothee Spuhler, Sarah Achermann


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