Water Management in Cold Regions 2020!
This web-based Summer School on Water Management in Cold regions is led by the Norwegian University of Live Science (NMBU).
To find out more about the topics that this course will cover visit The Artic WASH course on SSWM.
Apply by May the 22nd https://form.nmbu.no/view.php?id=677073.
Who can attend: This summer school invites graduate level students, consultants and regulatory experts alike who intend to achieve relevant scientific, engineering and administrative knowledge and up-dated expertise for the sound development of suitable solutions for water treatment technologies under the harsh climate conditions of the high north.
Location: Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the course will be conducted as a web-based e-learning course. The learning platform CANVAS as well as Zoom will be utilized for student-teacher interactions. Links will be provided to the participants for online webinars. Any further information can be requested with an email to siddhartha.pandey@nmbu.no.
About the course: The teachers come from Alaska, Canada, Denmark(Greenland), Russia, China and Norway. The teaching will consist of a series of webinars, interactive discussion fora, quizzes and webinars. The concept combines academic multi-media-based teaching with individual and group work solving relevant exercises and cases. The course starts June 3rd and terminates June 19th . The first week you will have full day engagement where we go through the key aspects of the course. This will start with a common introduction each morning (for those in Europe) and later a common discussion and summary sessions. The two consecutive weeks (June 8th through June 19th ) there will be two to four introductory sessions (e.g. Monday, Wednesday, Friday) and 2-4 common discussion and summary sessions. All lectures and common meetings will be taped so it will be possible to listen if you are in a different time zone or for some other reason can not be present during the live presentation . In addition there will be group work and we will try to tailor the corresponding sessions with teachers involved to the different time zones (America, Asia). The last day of the course (June 19th) you will have a multiple choice exam that counts 50%. The remaining 50 % of your grade will be based on a term paper that you have to submit by June26th. The course is exploring new didactical methods and an open source digital database supporting the course is already available. Take a look! You also find information about the course on the university website: https://www.nmbu.no/course/THT312, but this information is not yet tailored to the digital version of the course.
Credits: All that pass the exam will be rewarded 5 ECTS credits and a transcript from he Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
Attendance costs: The cost for the course will be a semester fee of 470* NOK.
For formal and technical details contact: Siddharta Pandey: siddhartha.pandey@nmbu.no
For information on course content contact : Petter D. Jenssen: petter.jenssen@nmbu.no *Optionally you can add 40 NOK to support the SAIH (Students and Academics Interantional Help Fund).