This module addresses issues of business plan development and the management structure of businesses. Furthermore, it provides information on how to successfully manage projects in a Resource Recovery and Safe Reuse (RRR) business environment.
Business Plan Development
A business plan is a written summary of an entrepreneur’s proposed business venture, its operational and financial details, its marketing opportunity and strategies, and its managers’ skills and abilities. It describes the direction the company is taking, what its goals are, where it wants to be, and how it is going to get there.
Founding and Managing a Business
The entrepreneurial process does not end once a company has been created. On the contrary, it is even more important for Start-Ups to count with the needed organizational capabilities to ensure the survival and growth of the business venture.
Project Management
Making a project succeed is not simple. The difficulties are manifold: delays, excessive budget over-runs, inadequate results, dissatisfied end-beneficiaries, high stress among the project team and other undesirable outcomes. Therefore, the purpose of this sub-section is to provide tools that help to design, finance, execute projects and ensure their sustainability.