The overall goal of this Sub-Regional Strategy is to strengthen the resilience of livelihood systems (including individuals, households, communities and agro-ecosystems). In this context, the strategy identifies key emergency response, agricultural restoration, livelihood recovery, risk-sensitive agricultural development and related policy and capacity development interventions aimed at humanitarian relief for internally displaced persons (IDPs), refugees and returnees; recovery and stabilization of national agriculture sectors; and strengthening of the resilience of Egyptian, Iraqi, Jordanian, Lebanese and Turkish host communities to help them withstand the impact of the Syria crisis.
FAO (2014): Plan of Action: Jordan 2014–2018 Resilient Livelihoods for Agriculture and Food and Nutrition Security in Areas of Jordan Affected by the Syria Crisis. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Regional Office for the Near East and North Africa Amman URL [Accessed: 19.09.2016]