This paper summarizes results from two studies conducted at an engineered wetland pilot facility at Alfred College (Ontario, Canada). The pilot facility consists of anaerated, vertical downward saturated subsurface flow wetland (1.08 m2surface area, 0.83 m bed depth, 1.3 cm gravel media) with supporting feed tanks and equipment.
WALLACE, S. ; HIGGINS, J. ; CROLLA, A. ; KINSLEY, C. ; BACHAND, A. ; VERKUIJL, S. (2006): High-rate Ammonia Removal in Aerated Engineered Wetlands. In: 10th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, September 23-29 2006, Lisbon, Portugal: , 255-262. URL [Accessed: 13.04.2013]