Constructed wetlands (CWs) are known to be robust wastewater treatment systems and are therefore very suitable for small villages and single households. When nitrification is required, vertical flow (VF) CWs are widely used. This contribution compares the behaviour and treatment efficiencies of a single-stage VF CW and a two-stage VF CW system under varying operating and loading conditions according to standardized testing procedures for small wastewater treatment plants as described in the European standard EN 12566-3.
LANGERGRABER, G. ; PRESSL, A. ; LEROCH, K. ; ROHRHOFER, R. ; HABERL, R. (2010): Comparison of Single-Stage and a Two-Stage Vertical Flow Constructed Wetland Systems for Different Load Scenarios. In: Water Science and Technology: Volume 61 , 1341-1348. URL [Accessed: 26.03.2015]