This study makes a financial comparison of a parallel sewer based (SB) system with activated sludge, and an FSM system with onsite septic tanks, collection and transport trucks, and drying beds. In addition to costing less overall, FSM operates with a different business model, with costs spread among households, private companies, and the utility. The results of the study illustrate that in low-income countries, vast improvements in sanitation can be affordable when employing FSM, whereas SB systems are prohibitively expensive.
DODANE, P.H. ; MBEGUERE, M ; SOW, O. ; STRANDE, L. (2012): Capital and Operating Costs of Full-Scale Fecal Sludge Management and Wastewater Treatment Systems in Dakar, Senegal . In: Environmental Science & Technology: Volume 46 , 3705. URL [Accessed: 15.01.2013]