The first full-scale Anammox reactor in the world was started in Rotterdam (NL). The reactor was scaled-up directly from laboratory-scale to full-scale and treats up to 750 kg-N/d. With the experience of this first full-scale commercial Anammox reactor in operation, a consistent and descriptive nomenclature is suggested for reactors in which the Anammox process is employed.
STAR, W.R.L. van der ; ABMA, W.R. ; BLOMMERS, D. ; MULDER, J.W. ; TOKUTOMI, T. ; STROUS, M. ; PICIOREANU, C. ; LOOSDRECHT, M.C.M. van (2007): Startup of Reactors for Anoxic Ammonium Oxidation: Experiences from the First Full-Scale Anammox Reactor in Rotterdam. In: Water Research: Volume 41 , 4149-4163. URL [Accessed: 04.11.2011]