Based in Brussels, the King Baudouin Foundation (KBF) is an independent, pluralistic foundation working to improve society for more than 40 years. Its mission is clear but also complex: to change society and to improve the living conditions of the population. Based in Brussels, the KBF is a European foundation which is mainly active in Belgium and Europe. In Africa, the Foundation is focusing on Benin, Burundi, the DR Congo, Senegal and Togo, but also supports initiatives in more than 40 other countries.
We help African civil society organisations and leaders, for the implementation of specific projects or for their general functioning.
We support them mainly through grants, but also through loans and bank guarantees if they run social businesses, as well as through technical support and networking.
The King Baudouin African Development Prize (KBF Africa Prize) rewards outstanding contributions to development in Africa, initiated and led by Africans. The Prize seeks to draw international public attention to the many inspirational stories emerging from the African continent. The Prize is awarded every other year. Beyond its monetary value of 200.000 euros, it offers its winners unique opportunities to increase their visibility and promote their cause to international audiences.
The King Baudouin Foundation is also managing the Business Partnership Facility (BPF) grants financial support to companies contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 52 developing countries. The BPF is initiated and financed by the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGD) to stimulate private sector involvement in achieving the SDGs in developing countries. The BPF supports viable, entrepreneurial business initiatives with a strong social impact.