Vitol Foundation

The Foundation seeks to fund organisations and ideas that support children and families living in deprivation to escape the cycle of poverty and reach their potential in life.

Vitol Foundation's focus is on supporting solutions that improve quality of performance, promote greater inclusion, foster appropriate innovation and catalyse access to finance, all within the broader context of poverty. This means that the work Vitol Foundation supports is invariably in low, and low to middle income countries, where the challenging effects of chronic under-development, conflict and natural disasters are commonplace.

We consider our grants to be investments and look for initiatives with the potential to generate social returns in a sustainable way. 

The Foundation invests in equitable, replicable and scalable solutions across Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Humanitarian Relief, among other sectors.

Vitol Foundation only looks to support organisations which have won the confidence of like-minded funders, align with the foundation's funding philosophy and which deserve wide support for the potential they demonstrate in bringing real impact to scale.

Country presence
Investor Type
Investment Type
Regional focus