Integrity Management Toolbox for Water Service Providers - Manual for Facilitators

This document is part of a set of three resource documents included in the Integrity Management toolbox for Water service Providers (WsPs):

  • Facilitator’s Guide
  • Description of WsP Integrity risks
  • Description of WsP Integrity Instruments (this document)

This Facilitator’s Guide provides comprehensive background information on the integrity management approach and explains how to use the toolbox. It contains detailed guidance for facilitators and trainers on how to conduct an integrity management workshop, as well as how to initiate the whole integrity change process in a WsP.

Hermann-Friede, J. Kropac, M. Achermann, S. Heeb, J. Feuerstein, L. (2014): Integrity Management Toolbox for Water Service Providers - Manual for Facilitators. Berlin, Germany: cewas, WIN, GIZ PDF