Take Action and Fuel Innovative Water Startups!
For internationally active water & sanitation organizations, air travel is often unavoidable. But most of the established emission payment mechanisms prioritize projects that prevent climate change over equally important climate adaption initiatives. Instead of compensating the CO2 emissions of air travel with a one-off payment, we have launched the "Fuel Water Innovations"-Initiative.
You want to take responsibility for your frequent flight trips as well?
This fund aims at generating adaptation payments for the damage caused by flights of staff in international water and sanitation organizations. It will invest this money to support start-ups, change makers and innovators that develop water and sanitation solutions for climate change adaptation.
Join the Initiative! Your smallest contribution can have the biggest impacts on the world's preparedness for climate change.
Read more about the Fuel Water Innovations-Initiative here and in the FAQs and get in touch with us!