This paper discusses the current situation of sewage sludge management in Egypt presenting a brief overview of the existing wastewater treatment plants, sludge production and characteristics as well as options of beneficial use and potential demand of sewage sludge under Egyptian conditions. The characteristics of sewage sludge are discussed considering the results of own sampling and analysis as well as previous studies. Furthermore, alternative treatment scenarios for sewage sludge, which have been recently developed in Egypt, are discussed and perspectives for a sustainable agricultural use are outlined.
GHAZY, M. ; DOCHORN, T. ; DICHTL, N. (2009): Sewage Sludge Management in Egypt: Current Status and Perspectives towards a Sustainable Agricultural Use. In: International Journal of Environmental, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering: Volume 3 , 387-395. URL [Accessed: 14.04.2015]