The sewage treatment process at SABESP (Basic Sanitation Company of Sao Paulo State, Brazil) has until now burnt some of the biogas produced in the anaerobic digester to enhance the process temperature and the other part was burnt in order to limit impact of emission. The transformation of this excess biogas into electricity would be a sustainable solution generating even additional income. An alternative to burn it in flare is the biogas conversion into electricity through engines or microturbines. This paper describes the proposed system to convert biogas in electricity and heat using microturbines (30 kW ISO).
TEIXEIRA COELHO, S. STORTINI GONZALES VELAZQUES, S.M. STELLA MARTINS, O. CASTRO DE ABREU, F. (2006): Biogas from Sewage Treatment used to Electric Energy Generation, by a 30 kW (ISO) Microturbine. (= World Bioenergy Conference & Exhibition ). Sao Paulo: Brazilian Reference Center on Biomass (CENBIO) URL [Accessed: 26.05.2019]