This handbookhasbeendevelopedfromexperienceswithcommunity-led total sanitation (CLTS) sinceDecember 1999. These havebeen in Bangladesh, India, Cambodia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, China and Pakistan in Asia; in Uganda, Zambia, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Kenyaand Sierra Leone in Africa; in Bolivia in South America; in Yemen in theMiddle East; and in other countries. The handbookhasbeencompiledas a sourceofideasandexperiencesthatcanbeusedfor CLTS orientationworkshops, advocacytostakeholders, trainingfacilitatorsandnaturalleadersandimplementing CLTS activities.
KAR, K. CHAMBERS, R. (2008): Handbook on Community-Led Total Sanitation. London, UK: Institute of Development Studies atthe University of Sussex URL [Accessed: 30.09.2012]