The report is mainly divided into three parts. The first part presents the hydro-climatic constraints and challenges facing farmers, and gives a brief presentation of water harvesting and farmers coping strategies to manage water scarcity. In the second part of the report regional approaches from sub-Saharan Africa, India and China are presented. Based on the financial support available and the possibility to obtain information from literature, it was decided to base the India chapter on literature and the China chapter on a short study visit to Gansu and Hebei provinces. The sub-Saharan Africa chapter gives a comprehensive description of water harvesting experiences with emphasis on floodwater harvesting and storage systems supplementary irrigation. The last part of the report reflects knowledge gaps that need to be filled, regarding both technical -, process – and systems research.
FALKENMARK, M. FOX, P. PERSSON, G. ROCKSTROM, J. (2001): Water Harvesting for Upgrading of Rainfed Agriculture. Stockholm: Stockholm International Water Institute URL [Accessed: 09.07.2019]