An advanced type of constructed wetland (CW) called an engineered wetland has been developed which allows more efficient removals of contaminants from wastewaters and stormwaters at rates in many cases an order of magnitude higher than those achievable with ordinary CWs.
HIGGINS, J. ; WALLACE, S. ; MINKEL, K. ; WAGNER, R. ; LINER, M. ; MEAL, G. (2010): The Design and Operation of a Very Large Vertical Sub-Surface Flow Engineered Wetland to Treat Spent Deicing Fluids and Glycol-Contaminated Stormwater at Buffalo Niagara International Airport. In: 12th IWA International Conference on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control, October 4-8 2010, Venice, Italy: , 449-456. URL [Accessed: 08.04.2013]