This case study from Nepal explores what implications the phrase “services for all” can have and elaborates on needs related to water and sanitation services of people with disabilities. Within rural Nepal, disability is a significant issue with many people experiencing impairments of all natures and traditional water and sanitation project approaches have inadvertently excluded disabled people.
PRADHAN, A. JONES, O. (2008): Creating User-friendly Water and Sanitation Services for the Disabled: The Experience of WaterAid Nepal and its Partners. In: WICKEN, J. ; VERHAGEN, J. ; SIJBESMA, C. ; SILVA, C. da ; RYAN, P. (2008): Beyond Construction: Use by All. A Collection of Case Studies from Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Practitioners in South Asia. London / Delft: . URL [Accessed: 05.04.2011]