Sanitation Project Implementation
Draw upon real-life experiences, lessons learned and practical “how-to” recommendations to bring your sanitation project to success.
Discover experiences, proven approaches and methodologies, practical tips, checklists and important considerations for the successful realisation of sanitation projects.
The Sanitation Project Implementation Perspective is a key tool that provides you as a practitioner with critical considerations and learnings to support the planning and successful realization of your sanitation or wastewater management project. The content builds on practical experiences and lessons learned from realising a showcase sustainable wastewater management system in Jordan and aims to facilitate replication and scaling-up of complex and challenging sanitation solutions to similar contexts. As project implementation progresses, the information is updated regularly.
Click on the below graphic to learn more about the different stages and work packages needed to implement a sustainable and integrated sanitation solution:
This Perspective aims to make available lessons learned with practical recommendations concerning the following key questions:
- How to define an integrated wastewater management project?
- How to anchor the project within the given governance system?
- How to build acceptance and manage political interests at the local and national level?
- How to establish the best solution (technical, social/political acceptance, economic feasibility)?
- How to set up an operator model and build capacities and resources to ensure sustainable operations?
- How to operate and maintain wastewater management systems?
- How to develop a feasible business model?
- How to establish and manage key partnerships?