A laboratory scale anaerobic filter packed with synthetic high surface area trickling filter media was used to treat a low strength domestic wastewater averaging 288 mg 1−1 COD. The filter was operated for 60 days after reaching steady-state at 20, 25, 35°C at a loading rate of 0.02 lb COD ft−3 day−1 and 24 h hydraulic retention time. Filter effluent BOD5 averaged 38 mg 1−1 providing an average removal rate of 79%, and effluent COD averaged 78 mg 1−1, corresponding to a 73% removal rate. Removal efficiencies showed very little sensitivity to daily fluctuations in influent wastewater quality. The filter performance at 25 and 35°C was not significantly different, but BOD and TSS removal efficiency declined a: 20°C. Gas production averaged 0.027 ft−3 of gas per ft3 of influent wastewater, or 1.875 ft3 of gas per pound of influent COD. Gas composition averaged 30% nitrogen, 65% methane, and 5% carbon dioxide. Ammonia nitrogen and sulfides both increased during treatment. It is concluded that the anaerobic filter is a promising candidate for treatment of low strength wastewaters and that post treatment for sulfides and ammonia may be necessary.
KOBAYASHI, H.A. ; STENSTROM, M.K. ; MAH, R.A. (1983): Treatment of Low Strength Domestic Wastewater Using the Anaerobic Filter. In: Water Research: Volume 17 , 903-909. URL [Accessed: 20.03.2015]