Anaerobic reactors have been successfully installed in full-scale plants world-wide for treating high-strength industrial wastewater over the years. Recently, there has been significant interest in exploring this technology for treating low-strength domestic wastewater as well. Previously, it was thought that this was not practical as methane fermentative process was considered too slow to be able to treat the increasing volume of domestic sewage at a high rate. With technological advances and better understanding of anaerobic microbial characteristics in recent years, there is a potential that under control conditions, such barriers can be gradually overcome. The perspectives of using anaerobic pre-treatment for domestic sewage are discussed in this report to replace the conventional treatment methods. Feasibility of upflow anaerobic filter (UAF) in place of activated sludge process to pre-treat domestic wastewater is studied in this research.
KAVITHA K. (2009): Feasibility Study of Upflow Anaerobic Filter for Pre-Treatment of Municipal Wastewater. Master's Thesis. Singapore: Departement of Civil Engineering, National University Singapore URL [Accessed: 20.03.2015]