This EU Life+ RENEW water and energy project promoted the water-energy links and benefits to householders in the UK and tested how best to communicate this innovative message. Our initial research confirmed that consumer understanding of the impact of water and especially hot water use is low. At the onset of the project, only 8% of householders surveyed in our pilot areas made the link between saving water and saving energy when unprompted, demonstrating the need to raise awareness in this new area. The Energy Saving Trust and Waterwise launched an enhanced water and energy advice service in Cardiff, London and Edinburgh between January 2009 and April 2011. Funded by contributions from the LIFE+ financial instrument of the European Community, Department for Energy and Climate Change and the Scottish Government, these pilots were the first of their kind in Europe.
EST (2013): Case Study: EU Life+ Water and Energy Project. Energy Saving Trust URL [Accessed: 19.03.2015]