Ecological restoration of Ahar River in Udaipur and the subsequent improvement of Udaisagar Lake have together become a landmark in the application of ILBM principles to successfully convert an aerobically dead river into a living lotic system. This was initiated in the ILBM meeting organized in August 2009 and then within 63 days the ecotechnological Green Bridge system was developed after getting four of the pillars – policy, institutions, finance and public participation to support knowledge and technology pillars to revitalize a terminal lake – Udaisagar Lake by treating the wastewaters flowing through the Ahar River.
KODARKAR, M. JOSHI, S. (n.y): ILBM Impact Story - Ecological Restoration of Highly Polluted Stretch of Ahar River, Udaipur and Ecological Improvement of Udaisagar Lake, Rajasthan, India. URL [Accessed: 19.03.2015]