The rapid development of cities and consequent population explosion in urban areas has led to depletion of surface water resources. For fulfillment of daily water requirement, indiscriminate pumping of ground water is being resorted to, leading to lowering of ground water table. At the same time the rain water is not being conserved which ultimately goes waste. To avoid this imbalance, conservation of rain water in the form of rain water harvesting is the only solution. Rain water harvesting can be effectively implemented in our office and residential complexes for conservation of rain water. The subject has assumed lot of significance in the present scenario. This has been included in Indian Railway Works Manual 2000 vide correction slip no. 10 dated 17.02.05 also. This publication is an attempt to compile all the relevant Information regarding various methods commonly in use. These methods can be used by field engineers for designing and implementing Rain Water Harvesting systems.
IRICEN (2006): Rain Water Harvesting. Pune: Indian Railways Institute of Civil Engineering (IRICEN) URL [Accessed: 16.03.2015]