Sustaining Surface and Groundwater Resources. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Conjunctive Water Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in South Asia, April 2002

Groundwater is the largest source of irrigation in South and Southeast Asia and China, its use for cities growing rapidly, leading to higher salinity of groundwater resources. Conjunctive water management is seen as a potential solution to ensure environmentally sustainable and financial viable irrigation agriculture. This paper delivers an overview on this thematic.

QURESHI, A. S. ; BHATTI, A. ; JEHANGIR, W. A. (2002): Sustaining Surface and Groundwater Resources. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Conjunctive Water Management for Sustainable Irrigated Agriculture in South Asia, April 2002. Lahore, Pakistan: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) URL [Accessed: 19.09.2012] PDF